Frequently asked Questions

About Seabreeze Marine Air

What are your hours and how do I contact you?

We make appointments five days a week, year round and our service technicians are on the road from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. To schedula an appointment, please call us at (914) 826-7857 or email us at

What is your Service Area?

What forms of payment do you accept?

What types of marine air systems do you work on?

Do you sell new marine air systems?

Do you stock parts?


How much does a new system cost?

That depends on the size of the system and the type of installation. For most boats, new installations cost between $7500 and $8000 per unit. New installation costs include all parts and installation services. Some installations may require additional parts or installation costs. 

How much does a replacement marine air system cost?

How long does it take to install a marine air system on my boat?

Do I replace my older system or have it repaired?

Can I buy a new unit from you and install it myself?

Can you install a system I have already purchased?

What size unit should I install on my boat?

Should I replace my system with the largest size possible?

I have an older Cruiseair system but can't find a similar model-can you help?

Does my boat need to hauled out of the water for you to work on it?

Can you replace my current split system with a self-contained system?

Error Codes

My Display says "LO" what does that indicate?

Air conditioning units are very sensitive to fluctuations in electrical current. They need to be provided with consistent voltage and amperage to function appropriately. As a result, most modern units will shut down automatically when they detect the wrong voltage or other irregularities in the electricity coming to them. There are myriad issues that can cause this such as corrosion of wires, grounding problems, improper wiring, too much load on your boat’s electrical system or problems inside the electrical components of the unit itself. 

What does "HI PS" and "Low PS" mean on my display controller?

What does a "PE" error code mean?